Honestly, I feel like I am the only person who hasn't read these books.

I am an active member of the BookTok community, and since joining in 2022, this series has been the most prominently mentioned. After weeks of being on a waiting list (to the point I forgot I reserved it), my local library emailed me to let me know it was ready, but I was unable to renew it due to its popularity. I gave in and purchased my own copy. Don't get me wrong, I WANT to read it. As I've been told by several others on social media, I NEED to read it.
Fantasy romance, and romantic fantasy (romantasy), are my favorite genres. From the blurb, it sounds exactly like the type of books I'm into. The problem often comes with me not making the time to read. I'm a full-time wife, mom, and juggle a full-time job while trying to publish my own books (which you can find on my website here). By the time I can sit down to read, it often puts me to sleep.
I am so ready to dive into this series, though, because I want to understand the countless posts I see daily about these stories. The fanbase is so creative and I long to join it. The feedback I've received so far is that it starts out slow and to give it time. I've been promised by several people that it is WORTH IT.
So far, I've read chapter 1. I will post again soon with more thoughts and reflections.
So, let me know in the comments below:
Have you read this series (or am I truly an outcast)?
Which of the books were your favorite?
Have you followed me on TikTok (@maryscatlinauthor and @authormaryscatlin) and Instagram (@maryscatlinauthor)?
If you haven't, why not? Stay tuned for updates and join my mailing list here!
I've never read these books. Did you finish them all?
I recently started a read-through of the Twilight Saga because I never read those, either. I'm currently on New Moon.